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Click here to view all obituariesOur chapel is for families who wish to have a service in a location other than a church. For the comfort of their guests, we suggest that they use a church or larger facility if they expect more than 80 guest, although we have had many services that have overflowed into other rooms of the funeral home. This business, now MacKinnon Family Funeral Home, has been in this location since 1935, at which time funerals were usually held in the home of the deceased or the church. Funerals which were normally held in the home gradually moved over to the funeral home for convenience of the family. We use the largest room in the funeral home for both the main visitation suite (which is furnished as your home may be) and a "chapel" (where the furniture is removed and folding chairs are set up in "meeting" style). This room has been tastefully designed as an option for those who do not wish a formal church setting. Conveniently located within the funeral home, it provides a dignified setting for family, friends and the community to gather together and pay tribute to the deceased.
Shoemaker Chapel |