It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.
Want to transfer your pre-arrangements to MacKinnon Family Funeral Home? You can!
A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.
Our Services
Over the years, we’ve learned something very valuable, yet largely unrecognized by the general public: a funeral, memorial service, or celebration of life offers family and friends the opportunity to say goodbye to a loved one, and sets the stage for the healing process which follows.
It doesn’t have to be an elaborate event. The most important part is in the “coming together” with others to share memories, and receive comfort from one another. It can be a very simple ceremony or one where the personality and lifetime achievements of your loved one are showcased.
Whatever you think would be appropriate; we promise to be with you at every turn to help you plan a service that celebrates your loved one's life in a meaningful way.
Here, you will find information on the services we can provide your family after losing a loved one. If you would prefer to speak to someone directly, please call us. We will be pleased to share commemoration ideas.
Catering ServicesWe offer organized receptions in our wonderful reception rooms, for families in their homes, as well as in reception halls within our community.
Grief CounsellingThe weeks and months following the death of a loved one can be the most difficult period in a person’s life. With this in mind, the MacKinnon Family Funeral Home opened the Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre. It is our hope that this Centre will be a helpful resource to you and your family and those in the community.
Creating a Legacy of MemoriesIt’s important to secure the memories and stories of a loved one. Learn more about why we offer the finest in online tributes and tribute videos, the Book of Memories™.
The First Decision: Burial or Cremation?This is a major decision. We encourage all families to consider whichever option suits them best at the time of need. Here’s information to help you get the conversation started.
What to Know When Choosing BurialIf you think that burial is the right choice for your family, there are some important decisions you must make. This page details the questions involved, offering support to families choosing burial.
When Cremation is PreferredDetailing the reasons why cremation is the preference of a growing number of families, this page also covers additional questions to ask once the cremation decision has been made.